Internal Quality Assurance Cell

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  • The Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC) of Shree P. M. Patel College of Computer Science & Technology, Anand was established in 2018-19 and reform time to time. 
  • The Institute caters to the academic requirements of students not only through insight filled classroom teaching, but also by ensuring quality enhancement in every sphere of the institution and student’s life on the campus. 
  • All activities of the IQAC have proved to be immensely satisfying and beneficial to both students and faculty. The IQAC plays an important role and the IQAC continuously reviews the functioning of the various departments and facilitates necessary changes as and when required. 
  • The college has developed quality assurance mechanisms within the existing academic and administrative system. To ensure quality in administrative functions of the college, proper delegation of tasks and promoting a culture of clear communication.
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell Committee meeting was held in June-2023 for evaluation of various activities done in the academic year 2022-23, and for planning of various action plans for academic year 2022-23 headed by the Chairperson Ms. Amisha M. Desai, Principal - Shree P.M. Patel College of Computer Science and Technology. 
In the meeting, the principal welcomed all the members of the Committee and explained the importance of IQAC decisions in the functioning of the College. The Minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed and discussion was made on various issues raised during implementation of the various guidelines and activities done. 
The responsibility of various areas was distributed amongst the members with the temperament all around for effective operation of planned action. 
In the end the chairperson thanks all the members for their time and valuable inputs in the meeting.
DATE TIME VENUE Convener and Coordinator
01/6/2023 12:30 IQAC Hall Dr. Jagruti P. Jadav



  • To be among the premier institutions of excellence in the areas of learning, research and educational enterprise that are continuously live the need of society.



  • To create, share, and apply knowledge in Computer Science, including in interdisciplinary areas that extend the scope of Computer Science and benefit humanity.
  • To educate students to become successful, ethical, and effective problem-solvers and life-long learners. To educate an increasing number of undergraduates in Computer Science to meet the growing demands of the regional and national economy.


In keeping with its Vision and Mission statements, the College has set before itself the following objectives:
  • To strive for academic excellence in the field of Computer Science.
  • To boost the institution activities to words quality enhancement using best practices. 
  • Teach students how to use computers effectively, creatively, and intelligently and try to provide up-to-date curriculum in the technical and scientific knowledge needed for the professional and academic goals of our students; 
  • Teach students how to acquire new knowledge, independently, in a world that changes with ever increasing rapidity; 
  • Educate an increasing number of undergraduates in Computer Science to meet the growing demands of the regional and national economy.
  • Provide scholarship to needful students, especially female students who belong to financially weak families for their better education.
  • Ensure that our department and programs operate smoothly and efficiently, with an emphasis on aligning our operations and activities with proactive planning to achieve our goals.
  • Increase our outreach and connections to alumni and with businesses and industry both locally and across the country to aid development efforts.
  • The objective of the cell is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of the Institution at all levels with the involvement of all stakeholders.

Acting Committee for such objectives


Admission Committee

Mr. Maharshi Brahmbhatt

Mr. Jaymin Patel

Women Cell

Ms. Amisha M. Desai

Dr. Jagruti P. Jadav

Career Counselling Cell

Mr. Maharshi Brahmbhatt

Mr. Narendra Parmar

Antiragging Committee

Dr. Jagruti Jadav

Examination Committee

Ms. Amisha Desai

Mr. Maharshi Brahmbhatt

Discipline Committee

Mr. Bhavika Chavda

Website Upgradation

Mr. Jaymin Patel

Ms. Amisha M. Desai

Facebook Page / Instagram

Ms. Amisha M. Desai

Mr. Jaymin Patel

Games and Sports Committee

Mr. Narendra Parmar


Composition of IQAC




Chair Person

I/C Principal

Ms. Amisha M Desai

Teacher representative

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mr. Maharshi Brahmbhatt

Mr. Narendra Parmar

One member from Management

Secretary & Registrar

Dr. Ishita Patel

Senior Administrative officer


Nihir Shah

One nominee each from Local society,

Students, Alumni

Final year student


Naman Vaidya

Mansi Gajjar

Jaydeepsinh Solanki

One nominee each from Employer/Industrialist/

Secretary & Registrar C.E.O

Industrialist & Stake holder

Dr. Ishita Patel

Dr Parth Patel

Director of IQAC

Asst. Professor

Dr. Jagruti P. Jadav


  • Annual Strategic Meet
  • IQAC activities
  • College Website upgradation
  • Promotion Student Research and publication
  • Organizing of Faculty Development Programme
  • Preparation of academic planner 
    1.      Internal examination schedule
    2.      Timelines for submission of assignments 
    3.      Arrangements for special supplementary examinations 
    4.      Strategies to deal with student absenteeism 
    5.      Measures to improve performance of slow learners 
    6.      Offering the help to clear the backlog of previous year
  • Scheduling of Co-curricular activities
  • Seminars and Conferences
  • Parents teachers meet
  • Alumni association
  • Assignment of responsibilities and charge of various committees
  • Research activities and upgradation action for faculties
  • Scholarship and fee wavier


Date Activities
10-June-2021 New Academic Calendar (Sem-III & V)
9-September-2021 International Literacy Day (Expert talk on Software Application)
20-September-2021 World Ozon Day (Group Discussion & Green Practices)
22-September-2021 World Rose Day (Bring hope of life for Cancer Patients – Short movie on Melinda Rose)
25-September-2021 Orientation Day for FYBCA (Sem-I)
1-October-2021 Women cell meeting
2-October-2021 Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti & shri Lal Bahadur ShashtriJayanti (Video Presentation & e-Quiz on Life of Mahatma Gandhi & Shri Lal Bahadur Shashtri)
4-October-2021 Shri Pandit Shyamji Krushna Verma Jayanti (short Video presentation)
9-October-2021 World Post Day (Poster Presentation)
11-October-2021 International Girl Child Day (Logo making competition on Digital Generation, Our Generation)
22-October-2021 Thalassemia screening camp for newly admitted students
1-December-2021 World AIDS Day (Audio-Visual Presentation on AIDS Awareness)
20-December-2021 International Human Solidarity Day – (Seen movie “Dhunki” to Encourage start-up activity to fought against poverty & Hunger)
23-January-2022 Subhash Chandra Boze Jayanti (Poster making & PPT Presentation on NETAJI – Icon of freedom movement)
Campus Diversity Program (Days Celebration)
8-March-2022 International Women’s Day (Skit Competition)
28-March-2022 Farewell to final year students

Annual Report

Future Plans

  • To empower students with academic proficiency in Computer Science & Application.
  • To align the goals of students, parents and teachers in order to achieve higher standards in learning and get the best results.


Co-ordinator Mr.Maharshi Brahmbhatt

Member Mr.Yash Gandhi

Number of functional MoUs/Collaboration